5 Reasons Why a Focus on Cybersecurity is Key to Uninterrupted Business Production

October is Cybersecurity Month, and ICG focuses on securing customer's data. 

Are you confident that your business and ERP applications are protected against cyber threats? 

Companies must proactively safeguard their networks, systems, and data to prevent cybersecurity compromises from severely impacting business production. Every business says this; every business leader thinks they are safe, and almost all need to do more to ensure business security. 

You hear things like Security Posture, Training, Security Committee, strategy implementation, etc... But what does this mean? As a Business Executive or IT Leader, you must step back and develop a plan. 


Below are some tips when evaluating the current level of your cyber protection: 

  1. Get Real and Be Honest: This is a hard thing for most businesses to do - Evaluate your staff capabilities and determine whether you are the right person or group to do the job. Using an independent and EXPERIENCED cybersecurity firm gives you an honest assessment of your status. With your team's help, develop the strategy and plan to deploy the appropriate cybersecurity policy for the business.
  2. Failure-to-Plan means Plan-to-Fail: After your assessment, it's time to ensure you have a cohesive approach to cyber security; this is your Security Posture and Plan. Note that all your chosen components and services must be well together and are architected, implemented, monitored, and maintained properly.   
  3. Experience and Service Lead the Way: Software that only includes offshore support will not be practical or get it done. The industry-leading software is just tools; any good professional knows how to plan, architect, and implement those tools that matter! Don't be just another number in a big corporate cog, and what if the leading tool like a Crowdstrike is compromised? Your industry's knowledge, experience, and service are the differentiators; the tools are a minor part of the solution.
  4. Get What You Pay for: Competitive is one thing, but inexpensive software-only solutions will leave you vulnerable. Too many weak areas of the business could be compromised: Perimeter, VPN, Networking, Email, Server, Workstations, Employees, Remote Workers, 3rd party vendors, to mention a few. Don't make decisions solely on price; don't try to piece-meal your cyber solution by yourself; these are all recipes for disaster!
  5. Educate and Train: Employees are the weakest link; up to 90% of all cyber breaches occur at the end user (employee) level. Education and training for your staff are critical for cyber protection. The bottom line is that allocating resources toward cybersecurity training is essential for ensuring smooth and secure business operations.

ICG can help! Investing in and allocating resources to cybersecurity is crucial for businesses to protect their networks, maintain production, and ensure their success. Contact ICG to ask how we can help you protect your business from breaches by investing in the right tools and training today. 

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