Are you still using DVUDs to extract data from Fourth Shift?

22 February, 2023

Many years ago, SoftBrands chose to support the Microsoft SQL database engine with Fourth Shift.  One benefit is the power of the SQL database manager. Users can create and use SQL Views to access all information stored within the database in real-time. This is a significant improvement.  SoftBrands expanded this capability by including Foundation Business Views. This provides predefined access to data like the old Data View Definition (DVUD) method.

However, there are many benefits of SQL Views over DVUDs:
Execute SQL Views in real-time; DVUDs must be referenced by Fourth Shift batch tasks that create dBase, Excel, Access, or flat files
Create Custom Views as needed; DVUDs are hard-coded and can’t be changed by customers
As part of Custom Views, selection and exclusion logic can be included; DVUDs only permit basic selection logic
SQL Views execute much faster than similar data extracted through DVUDs
Expanded Foundation Business Views; after Release 7.50D, Infor stopped modifying DVUDs to reflect database changes
For many companies, no one really understands the batch tasks being executed, so they are leery of making any changes. This is especially true of tasks that pull data needed for downstream processing or reporting. However, companies that do not leverage SQL Views miss out on opportunities to improve performance, to prevent taking the ERP system offline for extended periods of time due to the time required to call DVUDs from batch tasks, and aren’t taking advantage of Foundation Business Views.

Lack of experience with SQL isn’t a valid argument given how long this capability has been available. Indeed, there are many ways to learn how to work with it over the internet. If your company is still using DVUDs with Fourth Shift, it’s way past time to leverage the power of SQL Server.

Getting rid of the DVUD’s is just the start! Modernize your ERP by implementing ICG’s Tableau for Fourth Shift. Tableau for Fourth Shift allows you to view key information at a glance with real-time dashboards customized by individual, role, or department. Now you can monitor current financial, operational, and organizational information, and analyze real-time trends and KPIs that relate to your job.

ICG can help you bring Fourth Shift into the 21st century! For consulting assistance with Fourth Shift and SQL Reporting Services, and Fourth Shift and Tableau, contact your sales rep!