Experience Fourth Shift Modernized - Part 3: EDI-Visualizer

Manual data entry remains a persistent challenge for manufacturers, impeding efficiency, accuracy, and overall productivity. Good data plays a pivotal role in decision-making and operational excellence, and relying on manual input can lead to numerous inefficiencies and mistakes. From recording inventory levels to processing orders and managing production schedules, manual data entry leaves a multitude of opportunities for errors, delays, and inconsistencies. These inefficiencies highlight the pressing need for automated solutions to overcome challenges and drive sustainable growth. 

The Power of EDI-Visualizer

With EDI-V, you can finally transition to a fully-automated, integrated, and multi-user EDI tool, eliminating the need for the Fourth Shift EDI module and the wait time associated with processing.

Experience the benefits of enhanced data accuracy, workflow automation, accelerated business cycle speed, and improved supply chain visibility with ICG's EDI-Visualizer (EDI-V) Extension Product. EDI-V is a solution designed by ICG and MFGStream specifically for Fourth Shift ERP users to seamlessly integrate their Value-Add Network (VAN) with their ERP system.


Does this ring a bell?

You are a manufacturer or distributor, and confirming an order or demand schedule for a customer involves a series of intricate steps, often requiring multiple phone calls, manual data entry, and considerable time investment. 



Now let’s consider what an EDI-V transaction would look like. The manufacturer's ERP system and the trading partner’s system would agree on specific terms, and data exchanges occur automatically via previously agreed-upon standards. These standards are programmed individually for each vendor or supplier. The data stream is continuous, making the communication between the two parties seamless, easy, and painless.



By leveraging this innovative solution, your organization can drive increased sales, achieve profit targets, and optimize business cycles. Say goodbye to manual data entry and human error with EDI-V’s automation capabilities and empower your team to focus on strategic initiatives and deliver superior outcomes. ICG is here every step of the way to help you Transform, Modernize, and Automate EDI Processes and Workflows!  


Interested in learning more? Contact us today!



Fourth Shift Quick Tip: Vendor Performance Update is available in VEND/VEID. After selecting a vendor then pressing Alt-F8 twice a window opens that permits changes to be made to performance counts like late/on-time delivery and over/under variance. Vendor/Item specific performance updates can be done using the same process on VEID/VDIT.