Fourth Shift’s current release is 8.00C on SQL 2019 – how far behind are you?

22 February, 2023

Fourth Shift 8.00x supports current platform technology – both from the server side and from the client side. If you’ve not upgraded lately, it’s probably past time you do so. This is especially true if you are on versions of SQL Server or Windows Server that are no longer supported by Microsoft. This includes SQL 2008 R2, will soon include SQL 2012, and includes all the older versions of Windows Server.

Infor adds small amounts of new functionality with each software release. You pay significant fees for maintenance & support to Infor for the latest Fourth Shift release, regardless of if your company upgrades to the latest version or not. If your version of Fourth Shift isn’t the latest release, you are essentially paying for fire insurance if the system experiences major correctable issues. Other than that, you’re not receiving appropriate value for the money spent. And, if you’re on an older release of Fourth Shift, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of changes to the software.  You are paying for all the new software features but you are not benefitting from using them!

Infor’s customer support site has release notes which cover each version of Fourth Shift, which, your company, current on maintenance, has every right to download – along with the most current version of the software. Take the time to read the release notes. It’s up to your company to take advantage of available enhancements.

Make sure you stay compliant and get the most of for the significant fees you pay to Infor!  If you don’t have the resources  – either the experience or the skill – to successfully upgrade Fourth Shift without damaging the business, reach out to ICG have us quote your upgrade.