From Downtime to Prime Time: A TSR Success Story
From Downtime to Prime Time: A TSR Success Story

Downtime and system inefficiencies can spell disaster for companies striving to maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment. However, by tackling the deficiencies in your technology infrastructure, you can pave the way for unforeseen growth and innovation. ICG specializes in offering actionable insights and tailored solutions to empower our customers. In today's blog post, we'll dive into the case study of a manufacturing plant that revitalized its IT ecosystem with practical solutions, addressing critical issues in their operations and driving success. But first, let’s discuss how we discover those insights.


What is a Technology System Review?

A Technology System Review (TSR) by ICG provides a comprehensive evaluation of your entire technology ecosystem, including infrastructure, environment, applications, and security. Then, we deliver a detailed plan and budget with the optimal IT solution to bolster your expanding business. Armed with this thorough evaluation and plan of action, you will understand exactly what interventions are necessary to optimize your ecosystem and get your business running at a competitive, secure, and profitable level.





An ICG Manufacturing Customer Case Study


The Problem

ICG recently engaged with a customer who was grappling with frequent downtime, a poorly designed data center, and a glaring lack of backups, to name a few. These issues not only disrupted day-to-day operations but also posed a significant risk to critical data and hindered overall productivity. There was a critical need for strategic intervention to address these issues. Before making any changes, this manufacturing plant needed a Technical System Review (TSR) of its entire IT infrastructure to establish what support was necessary. 

Across their multiple locations and plans for a new central location, they had very minimal IT staff. Their ERP server was haphazardly setup in a closet, with the door left open to manage heat. All systems were physical, with each application running on a separate server. Regular backups were not being performed, and users experienced frequent performance issues with the system daily, impacting the company’s operational efficiency and putting their operations at risk.



The Solution

Following in-depth discussions with the owner regarding their new location, business processes, and current/future requirements, ICG proceeded to design and implement a tailored solution. We began with ensuring proper wiring installation to meet cable and distance standards. We also worked with the local internet provider to establish proper redundant WAN across all locations for improved network performance. Given the customer’s heavy reliance on barcode scanning, reliable WIFI connectivity was crucial at each site as well. 

We orchestrated the migration of existing systems to a virtual environment and leveraged the fiber connectivity to establish a failover at one of the other locations. All systems were transferred to new hardware and upgraded to support modern operating systems. To accommodate mobile workstations on the shop floor, ICG implemented virtual desktops within the new virtual environment, reducing the dependency on physical systems. Lastly, all end-user devices were updated to ensure seamless integration with the revamped infrastructure. 




The Outcome

The TSR conducted by ICG proved instrumental in minimizing day-to-day disruptions, boosting productivity, and eliminating unplanned downtime for the business. By thoroughly assessing the existing IT infrastructure and understanding the unique needs of the customer’s operations, ICG was able to architect and implement a tailored solution. 

Through strategic upgrades and enhancements, such as ensuring proper wiring installation, establishing fiber connectivity, and migrating systems to a virtual environment, ICG effectively addressed the root causes of the disruptions and downtime. The implementation of reliable WIFI and virtual desktops further streamlined operations, allowing for increased mobility and flexibility on the shop floor. ICG’s deep technical knowledge played a pivotal role in the success of the TSR. Our proficiency in navigating complex IT challenges and designing customized solutions ensured a seamless transition and optimized performance across all facets of the business. The TSR not only mitigated existing disruptions but also positioned the business for sustained growth and efficiency in the long term, highlighting the invaluable contributions of ICG’s technical prowess and commitment to customer success. 




For help with any technology challenges, contact us.