Get the Most Out of Your VISUAL ERP

ERP Getting You Down?

ERPs have been the foundational support for manufacturing plants worldwide since the 1980s. Billions of dollars have been dedicated to implementing and upgrading systems, committed to achieving improved process automation. But are manufacturing leaders saying it is worth it? According to Computer Economics, ERP systems have scored last regarding company satisfaction over the last few years. This statistic raises concern when considering the vital role an ERP system plays in the livelihood of a business. This prompts a crucial question: Is it solely the ERP, or is there a deeper aspect at play?


Love-Hate Relationship:

Even with manufacturing decision-makers expressing dissatisfaction with their ERP system, they continue acquiring or upgrading new systems. What alternative do they truly have – reverting to spreadsheets and other manual systems? Manufacturing decision-makers acknowledge the advantages of ERPs for their business, but they address system issues from a broader technology perspective. At ICG, our experience shows it's more about embracing change and utilizing technology to drive advancement and efficiency.

Evaluate Your Existing Software:

Maximizing your ERP's potential requires an evaluation of your existing software. In many cases, companies unsatisfied with their ERP underutilize the competencies of their current software. To avoid the trap of underutilizing your ERP, you can work with your service provider to familiarize your team with the full capabilities of your system. 

Trust Your Personnel:

ICG’s primary concern is that manufacturing organizations neglect their end-users and business processes and procedures, often attributing issues to the software instead. When selecting or upgrading their system, organizations often overlook how their users will interact with the ERP. Decision-makers should consider what the pain points are, how end-users will be trained, and what systems and processes they want to automate or improve before they invest their time and money. When these issues are not addressed first, you end up with frustrated end-users and more errors, which make your ERP look inefficient. 

Evolving Your ERP:

The automation provided by ERPs can enhance efficiency, output, and overall capacity, but realizing these benefits requires following the proper upkeep. Whether adopting something new or upgrading your current ERP, understanding and implementing the proper processes and procedures, running system updates, and utilizing any necessary ERP extension products is critical to ensuring your ERP is used to its fullest capabilities. ERPs are not a set-and-forget system: they constantly evolve, and staying up-to-date on advancements is crucial to securing their ongoing success. 


ERPs power business, and properly utilizing your ERP is directly correlated with the success and efficiency of your operations. Although manufacturing decision-makers, end-users, and chief executives often express dissatisfaction when their ERP underperforms, it’s essential to recognize that this issue can be addressed and improved. Next week, we will discuss steps to take and how ICG can help to ensure satisfaction with your ERP system.


VISUAL ERP Quick Tip: From opportunity to cash, VISUAL's sales document lifecycle provides a full 360-degree status from anywhere in the sales process. 



To speak to an ICG Sales Representative to discuss your specific ERP needs, please get in touch with us!