Part 1: How to avoid enterprise-damaging situations
Part 1: How to avoid enterprise-damaging situations

07 April, 2021

It can be easy for companies to avoid planning for enterprise-damaging situations. In this multipart series, we’ll share some common ones and offer strategies for prevention.

We often hear customers say things like, “I’m sure it’s working because we are heavily invested or invested properly.” Or, “we have always done it this way, and it’s worked just fine.” A shift in thinking and culture is most likely required to resolve this.

ICG will leverage our experience, listen to your needs, and provide solutions that drive your business. And that takes trust. We believe that transparency builds trust, and trust is the foundation of all partnerships. Partnering with ICG means your IT infrastructure and ERP systems run efficiently, provide a great return, and drive your business.

 Problem: Not properly investing in technology or not getting a result from your technology spend.
Think of technology as an asset and operational entity vs. admin or cost center. Technology is at the heart of your business and your processes. Embrace it, and watch your efficiency grow.

Start with a full audit of current technology to understand what you have, where you want to go, and how we put all the pieces together to get you there.
Then, do a business system review that defines business processes and uncovers weak points where technology can help gain efficiencies.
Next, develop a solution that is within budget and delivers results.
Finally, make sure the solution is fully supported and maintained.
The way your business wants to operate, is the way to design the infrastructure and deliver applications. ICG’s expertise is in deeply understanding the needs of the business. From there, we can architect and implement technology to support those needs.

We’ll continue to share other pitfalls in future blog posts! In the meantime, contact your sales rep so we can help your company avoid enterprise-damaging situations.