01 December, 2020
ICG has been a leader in providing manufacturing technology solutions for over a decade. In that time, we have also grown our portfolio of IT services. It’s vital to have a solid technology foundation driving and supporting the business. Without that, any investment in technology may be doomed from the start.
In this three-part series, ICG CEO Jeff Bronson, shares pitfalls seen in a company’s approach to IT. Namely, there’s a common misconception that there is one person or one system that can solve all problems. Jeff calls it the “I got a guy” method and explains why it is a risky practice.
Meet Internal Super Guy
Everyone relies on their IT Guy, who is the Super Guy who knows everything about the business, technology, software, integrations, selecting and implementing an ERP system, and more. This is the refrain we hear countless times from our manufacturing customers.
No matter the size of the business, the technology foundation and supporting software systems are critical to the business’s success. It’s impossible and impractical to expect one person to be a subject matter expert on every topic.
Recognizing the gifts of your IT Guy and utilizing that to the advantage of the business is critical. The key is to work toward their strengths, support them, and help them build a team. That team can deliver what the owners and/or board need, thus driving business. Some IT folks are really great business analysts, or great infrastructure folks, or good managers – almost none possess all of those skills. Supplementing their skills with diverse and experienced resources in business and technology is always a recipe for success!